Laser tailoring surface interactions, contact angles, drop topologies and the self-assembly of optical microwires

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Optical Materials Express, 2013, 3 (2), pp. 284 - 294
Issue Date:
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UV laser irradiation (λ = 193nm), below and above damage thresholds, is used to both alter and pattern the surface properties of borosilicate slides to tune and control the contact angle of a water drop over the surface. Large variation exceeding 25° using laser processing alone, spanning across both sides of the original contact angle of the surface, is reported. An asymmetric contact angle distribution, giving rise to an analogous ellipsoidal-like drop caplet, is shown to improve convective self-assembly of silica nanoparticles into straighter optical microwires. © 2013 Optical Society of America.
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