Entering the graveyard shift: Disassembling the australian TiVo

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Television and New Media, 2015, 16 (2), pp. 165 - 179
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© The Author(s) 2013. This article analyzes the operation and subsequent failure of TiVo in Australia. Drawing on actor-network theory, we unpack the TiVo assemblage throughout our paper, and look at the various human, technical, and institutional interventions that constituted it and constrained its possible futures. This analysis will be conducted by tracing how TiVo attempted to establish itself as a viable social and technical assemblage and assessing its influence on "new locales of regulation, new practices, new ethical stances, and new institutions." Our approach offers an inclusive analytical lens by considering how a collection of actors - large and small, human and nonhuman - were actively involved in assembling and disassembling the network required by TiVo for an ongoing presence in Australia. It also contributes to a growing body of work that outlines the usefulness of ANT to media studies scholarship.
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