The digital revolution in education: Digital citizenship and multi-literacy of mobile technology

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Mobile Technologies and Handheld Devices for Ubiquitous Learning: Research and Pedagogy, 2010, pp. 1 - 14
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This chapter aims to provide an outline of the digital revolution and the way that mobile devices facilitate participation in the Information age. It provides readers with a broad understanding of the key developments that have emerged over the past two decades as well as the current developments in this area. New and emerging practices relating to the use of mobile technologies for learning and their underlying drivers will be explored. The interconnectivity of applications and devices that is closely linked to concepts of multiple literacies and digital citizenship will be discussed. This brief review of the emerging technology landscape allows for greater appreciation and fuller exploitation of the potential that mobile technologies hold and provides a portrayal of its topography to enable conceptualization at a macro-level. © 2011, IGI Global.
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