Application of bioflocculant and nonwoven supporting media for better biological nutrient removal and fouling control in a submerged MBR

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Sustainable Environment Research, 2011, 21 (1), pp. 53 - 58
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© 2011, Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering. All rights reserved. The study aims at modifying a submerged membrane bioreactor (SMBR) with attached-growth nonwoven media and a new green bioflocculant (GBF) (developed at Environmental Engineering R & D laboratory, University of Technology, Sydney) addition to treat a high strength domestic wastewater for reuse. The performance of the SMBR was evaluated in terms of organic and nutrient removal as well as membrane fouling control. The results indicated that the integrated SMBR system could eliminate more than 95% dissolved organic carbon and chemical oxygen demand from the influent. The system achieved 100% of nitrification during 60 d of operation. The denitrification was primarily based on conventional nitrification-denitrification process occurring in the anoxic zone. The total nitrogen removal efficiency and simultaneous nitrification and denitrification were 93 ± 3 and 96 ± 1% respectively. Although a relatively long solids retention time (50 d) were adopted, over 98% of total phosphorus in the influent was removed through biological phosphorus removal. The results also show that the addition of GBF could improve microbial activity and reduce membrane fouling. During the experiment, the transmembrane pressure developed marginally (4.5 kPa).
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