Representations of LGBT youth: A review of Queer Youth and Media Cultures

Taylor & Francis (Routledge): STM, Behavioural Science and Public Health Titles
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Journal of LGBT Youth: an international quarterly devoted to research, policy, theory, and practice, 2016, 13 (4), pp. 410 - 413
Issue Date:
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Queer Youth and Media Cultures is an important edited collection that examines how lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) identities are constructed, performed, and represented in television, movies, and new media spaces. Bringing together diverse scholarly work, the authors extend recent work on LGBT youths’ use of online spaces and how LGBT identities are constructed in popular culture. Although the book draws on a range of interesting case studies, notably absent are specific case studies on lesbian and bisexual youth. Furthermore, although some international research is presented, future work would benefit from a greater emphasis on more geographically diverse studies, and greater reflection on how representations of LGBT identities move transnationally and the implications of this movement.
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