Never a machine for propaganda? the Australian-American fulbright program and Australia's Cold War

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Australian Historical Studies, 2013, 44 (1), pp. 117 - 133
Issue Date:
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Some overlap in personnel between the Australian-American Fulbright board and those advising Menzies on anti-communist legislation and the 1951 referendum, including former Chief Justice J. G. Latham, raises questions about the politicisation of the Fulbright program over this period. A careful reconstruction of the Australian scheme's founding years reveals, however, that the program resisted becoming a simple instrument of Cold War foreign policy. This was thanks to careful groundwork laid by Evatt's Department of External Affairs, ensuring a measure of independence to the Australian board, and board member Latham's strategic defence of the program's educational goals when pressures were felt. © 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
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