Applying the principles of conservation through sustainable use to the commercial kangaroo harvest in New South Wales, Australia

UNSW Press
Publication Type:
Conservation in a Crowded World: Case studies from the Asia-Pacific, 2012, 1, pp. 235 - 255
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As has been outlined elsewhere in this volume, there is a strong body of international evidence to show that when local people gain value from the sustainable use of wildlife, they have an incentive to maintain that wildlife and the ecosystems that support it (Webb 2002; Hutton & Leader-Williams 2003). This phenomenon, known as conservation through sustainable use or CSU (Webb 2002), has been acknowledged in the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and elucidated through its Addis Ababa Principles and Guidelines for the Sustainable Use of Biodiversity (CBD 2004). If these guidelines are conscientiously applied, they should ensure that use is both sustainable and generates incentives for conservation where the situation is appropriate. These principles will be referred to here as the CSU principles.
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