Conflict resolution for collaborative design based on rough set theory

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
12th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, 2008. CSCWD 2008., 2008, pp. 64 - 69
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Due to the design knowledge discrepancy during collaborative design, conflicts can be revealed from the process of collaborative design decision. A critical element of collaborative design would be conflict resolution. The conflict resolution is correlative with both of the knowledge granulation and specific method provided. In this paper, granularity is used to describe rules acquainted based on the concept of rough degree. In this condition, A feasible distance formula between different rules is constructed according to the requirement of describing the distance between different rules and the definition of attribute significance in information system with rough theory, in which the operator of attribute importance is introduced, and then traditional conflict resolutions are analyzed. As a result, the concept of rule set evolution is put forward, and the instance is introduced to explain the efficiency of new method.
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