Quantum Bochner's theorem for phase spaces built on projective representations

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 2015, 48 (11)
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© 2015 IOP Publishing Ltd. Bochner's theorem gives the necessary and sufficient conditions on a function such that its Fourier transform corresponds to a true probability density function. In the Wigner phase space picture, quantum Bochner's theorem gives the necessary and sufficient conditions on a function such that it is a quantum characteristic function of a valid (and possibly mixed) quantum state and such that its Fourier transform is a true probability density. We extend this theorem to discrete phase space representations which possess enough symmetry. More precisely, we show that discrete phase space representations that are built on projective unitary representations of abelian groups, with a slight restriction on admissible two-cocycles, enable a quantum Bochner's theorem.
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