Swarming Landscapes

Publication Type:
Advances in Global Change Research, 2012, 48 pp. 167 - 193
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© 2012, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht. The Swarm Planning Theory and Methodology, as outlined in Chaps. 6 and 7 have been used in several design projects in the recent past. Swarm Planning can be applied in different ways. It can be used to formulate a spatial strategy, as the examples of Strategic interventions and steer the swarm show. It can also be used to identify the location and the type of intervention to be taken. This is illustrated through the Groninger Museum and Blauwe Stad examples. The third way of applying Swarm Planning is to design climate landscapes, in which not only the intervention is identified but also the dynamic impact in the landscape is part of the design. The examples of a Floodable landscape and the two Bushfire resilient landscapes of Murrindindi and Bendigo illuminate this. Finally, Swarm Planning can be used to create innovative spatial solutions for a specific design assignment. The laboratorial setting of the Swarm Planning Experiment proves the innovative capacity of the approach. All four applications are seen worthwhile and support the potential of the Swarm Planning theory, methodology and use.
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