Swarm Planning Methodology

Publication Type:
Advances in Global Change Research, 2012, 48 pp. 141 - 166
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10.1007%2F978-94-007-4378-6_7.pdfPublished version1.67 MB
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© 2012, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht. In this chapter the question how to develop a spatial plan that is able to deal with the unpredictable impacts of climate change is explored. Based on the layer-approach a Spatial Planning Framework for Climate Adaptation is developed, consisting of five layers, each with their specific time-rhythm. All spatial elements can be connected to one of the layers, depending on the pace of change they tend to change. Subsequently the five layers can be used in practice to create a climate proof spatial plan. The process in which the development of a climate proof plan can be best developed needs to appeal creativity and future thinking. Two processes are extremely suitable for developing these kinds of plans: Design Charrettes and the COCD-method. The success of design charrettes lies in the successful use of local expertise and the collective creativity to visualise on maps the desired climate proof future. The COCD-method is successfully used in the Swarm Planning Experiment, creating specific Swarm Plans for the Eemsdelta region in the Netherlands.
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