Learning to be a transdisciplinary researcher: a community of practice approach

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Willetts Juliet and Mitchell Cynthia 2006, 'Learning to be a transdisciplinary researcher: a community of practice approach', ANZSYS, Sydney, Australia, pp. 1-8.
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This paper utilises a `community of practice¿ model to reflect on the post-graduate research program at the Institute for Sustainable Futures, UTS. Our work at the Institute involves resolution of complex problems in today¿s society, a task which requires insights generated through multiple disciplines. Over the last five years we have conducted an evolving program of activities for our post-graduate students to equip them with the necessary skills for this challenge. This program has been transformational for both individuals and the group, which now operates as a cohesive, mutually learning team. In this paper we look to the `community of practice¿ model as a critical lens to examine our program and assist in identifying new opportunities to improve our approach to transdisciplinary research training.
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