How much longer to go? The influence of waiting time and progress indicators on quality of experience for mobile visual search applied to print media

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
2013 5th International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience, QoMEX 2013 - Proceedings, 2013, pp. 112 - 117
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Practical use of image content-based mobile visual search (MVS) applied to print media is becoming increasingly popular. Typically, such applications process an image on a printed page taken from a digital camera to generate query information that is used to find relevant media content in a database, such as a related video or webpage. Such applications change the interaction between the users and media content from a click-based-application to a capture-based-application. The primary perception of the end user is the waiting time before receiving the desired content. Firstly, this paper studies the influence of linking two different media types, video and webpage, to the printed picture. Secondly, the results are compared to traditional click-based-applications. Thirdly, the influence of two different progress bars is examined to study the impact on users' Quality of Experience (QoE) associated with waiting time. Results show that the linked content has little influence on the resulting QoE, which is found to have a logarithmic function of waiting time, similar to other applications previously studied. In addition, the results illustrate that different progress bars have an effect on users' perception in term of waiting time and consequently arouse different QoE. © 2013 IEEE.
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