Color chart for thin SiC films grown on Si substrates

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Materials Science Forum, 2013, 740-742 pp. 279 - 282
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MSF.740-742.279.pdfPublished Version247.27 kB
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In this paper, a color chart based on experimental data was defined for thin SiC films grown on Si substrates. For SiC films thinner than 500 nm, the surface color was observed using an optical microscope with the incident light normally illuminated on the SiC surface. An image of the surface was then taken by a camera attached to the optical microscope and the surface color was defined using RGB code. For SiC films thicker than 500 nm, the colors were defined by observing the films under daylight fluorescent lighting by naked eyes. It was found that the colors of the SiC films varied as the thickness increased. © (2013) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.
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