Spatial Frameworks: City Strategies in the 21st Century

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Imminent Commons: Communing Cities, 2017, pp. 115 - 118 (4)
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Imminent Commons- Commoning Cities by Helen Hejung Choi & Hyungmin Pai.pdfPublished version759.83 kB
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The Biennale curators suggest that a new cosmology and new cosmopolitics is required in this age of the Anthropocene – a claim that demands of the discipline of architecture a response, and perhaps also a strategy for engagement. There is no question of the discipline’s capacity to make a profound contribution to this remaking of the world. Rather, the dilemma is whether there is an inclination to participate. The issues the curators raise are not in themselves new, but can be understood as increasing in urgency. Despite this, the architectural profession continues to focus its disciplinary self-image on the production of objects, while a political project of this scale must be met with a spatial engagement that operates at a scale larger than building. The Spatial Framework attempts a synthesis of spatial intelligence with substantial engagement processes across the political and bureaucratic realms, to foster the equitable distribution of commons. This model holds the possibility of the reorganisation of relations – and thus the enactment of a new cosmology and cosmopolitics - through an alignment between a political project and specific spatial context.
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