A 320 GHz on-chip slot antenna array using CBCPW feeding network in 0.13-μm SiGe technology

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, 2017, pp. 843 - 846
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© 2017 IEEE. A 320 GHz on-chip 2 × 2 antenna array employing a compact feeding network is presented in this paper. The feeding network is designed based on the conducted-back coplanar waveguide (CBCPW) transmission line with a compact size, which has the full shielding performance providing good isolation from circuits around or below the CBCPW transmission lines. The proposed on-chip feeding network and antenna array are fabricated using standard 0.13-μm SiGe process. The antenna array is measured using a specially designed backside radiation measurement system. The simulated and measured results show that the backside radiation on-chip antenna array has a measured peak gain of 7.9 dBi at 320 GHz.
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