Figure it Out

Invitation, Floor Sheet, Directors Letter and Press Clippings
Publication Type:
Lake Macquarie City Art Gallery
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Background - This work was included in the Figure it Out exhibition which coincided with The Figure in Question exhibition, focusing mainly on the human figure and draughtsman skills in contemporary painting. Contribution - My painting, "I know my fate" 1989, which came from the gallery's permanent collection, promoted an alternative view to the human form by showing it to be a construction made from various sources, rather than the result of accurate or documentary observation. Significance - This work demonstrates a certain postmodern moment in the 1980s when painting was seen as a place where any and all images could congregate in a data space composed of moments from art history and contemporary events. The value of this postmodern position is attested by the fact that other works from the series of paintings that generated "I know my fate" are held in most state gallery collections in Australia.
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