Pop-Art in the Digital Media Ecology (Portfolio)

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Research background: in this portfolio Alex Munt uses the affordances of digital media to explore aesthetic questions. 24 Hour Franco is a Two-Channel television sculpture that explores the intersection of celebrity and art-based image economies via cultural icon, celebrity and visual artist James Franco. SPRING BREAKERS 4 EVA is a glitch-based moving image work which explores the aesthetic impact of the error and accident in digital media as a new ‘meta’ mode of Pop-Art. LINDSAY is a short experimental film that revisits the Structural Film movement in the age of Reality TV. The Cloud was a site-specific media arts installation that explored new representations of the vapour cloud in the age of the internet and digital media. Research contribution: these pieces revisit and rework the works of earlier artists in order to demonstrate their continuing relevance and relationship with contemporary culture. They explore the ways in which pop culture collides with the ecology of the art-image and that popular forms of screen entertainment remediate experimental film aesthetics to produce related screen spectatorship and audience experiences. The works show that digital media can create a ‘meta’, or second-tier, mode of pop aesthetics and can unite historical motif from art with the materiality of modern data. Research Significance: the pieces were exhibited at venues including the Vancouver Art Gallery for the ISEA 2015: the International Symposium on Electronic Arts.
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