The Dancers

Haifa Museum of Art
Publication Type:
Street View in Anonymx, The End of the Privacy Era
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The Dancers is a photographic series emerging from the genre of documentary photography. Specifically, the series addresses the complex nature of looking and the 'voyeurism' inherent in the viewing of material uploaded to online video platforms such as Youtube in this case. Traditionally, domestic space was considered private space. Its recording was usually saved for the intimate sphere of family photo and video archives. Today the private dimension of the 'home' is complicated when for instance young girls video themselves dancing in their bedrooms, living rooms and even kitchens. This material when uploaded to Youtube attracts a faceless audience of 'lookers'. In making this work I am implicated in the act of 'voyeurism'; I sit in my kitchen trawling through videos of girls dancing, making screen grabs or photographing my laptop screen in order to freeze their frenetic moves and portray a snippet of the dance. This research asks a speculative somewhat ethical question: "who else may be watching these young girls and is there a darker social problem here?" Further, the series captures the micro details of each dancer's domicile; family photographs on the walls, laundry baskets filled with unfolded washing, wardrobes ajar revealing clothing, notes on the fridge. All the detritus of everyday domestic life is made public to millions of anonymous lookers.
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