Designers Don’t Text - They Visualise: Integrating Coding into the University Design Curriculum

Queensland Sports Technology Cluster, Griffith University
Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
Citation:, 2016, pp. 21 - 22 (2)
Issue Date:
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Human-Machine Interaction (HMI) is ubiquitous; picking up a mobile phone and searching for a nearby restaurant or sharing an image through social media is carried out without a second thought. It is part of daily life. HMI has recently emerged as a research discipline in its own right as the complexities of interactions, and their impact not only on products’ performance, but on human development itself, is beginning to be more fully understood. "HMI, as a field of investigation, is quite recent even if people have used machines for a long time. HMI attempts to rationalise relevant attributes and categories that emerge from the use of (computerised) machines. Four main principles, that is, safety, performance, comfort and aesthetics, drive this rationalisation along four human factors lines of investigation: physical (that is, physiological and bio-mechanical), cognitive, social or emotional."1 The challenge for designers, and indeed the education of design students, is making sense of these broad technical and emotional requirements within a single unified product or service.
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