Transforming reflection through a forum theatre learning approach in health education

Sense Publishers
Publication Type:
Playing in a House of Mirrors: Applied Theatre as Reflective Practice, 2015, pp. 35 - 52
Issue Date:
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This chapter will illustrate how a modified form of Forum Theatre, Forum Learning, was employed as an educational strategy at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) to stimulate critical, reflective learning in students who were diabetes educators, health professionals involved in educating patients who have diabetes. Forum Theatre was developed in the late 1960’s by Augusto Boal (1979) initially to help poor and disenfranchised groups of people in Brazil realise there were practical options and strategies that could be employed to help change their situation. The theatre technique employed by Boal in Forum Theatre encouraged participants in groups to develop improvised scenes that depicted their personal experience of being oppressed. It then challenged them to replay and alter the outcome of these scenarios so the participants could explore other ways of dealing with and improving, their situation. Change is promoted through “critical consciousness, exploring and rehearsing alternatives and seeking possibilities for future action” (Strawbridge, 2000, p. 11)
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