An Adaptive-Then-Combine Dynamic State Estimation Considering Renewable Generations in Smart Grids

Publication Type:
Journal Article
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 2016, 34 (12), pp. 3954 - 3961
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© 1983-2012 IEEE. The penetration of renewable distributed energy resources, such as wind turbine, has been dramatically increased in distribution networks. Due to the intermittent property, the wind power generation patterns vary, which may risk distribution network operations. So, it is intrinsically necessary to monitor wind turbines in a distributed way. This paper presents an adaptive-Then-combine distributed dynamic approach for monitoring the grid under lossy communication links between the wind turbines and energy management system. First, the wind turbine is represented by a state-space linear model, with sensors deployed to obtain the system state information. Based on the mean squared error principle, an adaptive approach is proposed to estimate the local state information. The global estimation is designed by combining estimation results with weighting factors which are calculated by minimizing the estimation error covariance based on semidefinite programming. Finally, the convergence analysis indicates that the estimation error is gradually decreased, so the estimated state converges to the actual state. The efficacy of the developed approach is verified using the wind turbine and the IEEE 6-bus distribution system.
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