60 GHz Dual-Circularly Polarized Planar Aperture Antenna and Array

Publication Type:
Journal Article
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2018, 66 (2), pp. 1014 - 1019
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© 1963-2012 IEEE. This communication presents new designs of dual-circularly polarized (CP) planar aperture antenna and array for 60 GHz applications. First, a four-port planar aperture antenna with its feeding network is developed that exhibits wide impedance bandwidth, dual-CP radiation as well as high gain. Then, based on the proposed antenna, a new scheme of building a dual-CP array is proposed. With this new scheme that combines the power splitting network and series feeding method, four sequentially fed antenna elements are successfully combined to form a CP radiation array. The experimental results show that the -10 dB impedance bandwidths of the antenna and the array are more than 18.2% (55-66 GHz). While the 3 dB axial ratio bandwidths are from 54.2 to 64.3 GHz (17.2%) for the antenna and from 54.8 to 65 GHz (17%) for the array. The maximum gains achieved are 13.7 and 17.85 dBic for the antenna and array, respectively.
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