A Wideband Multilayer Substrate Integrated Waveguide Cavity-Backed Slot Antenna Array

Publication Type:
Journal Article
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2017, 65 (7), pp. 3465 - 3473
Issue Date:
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© 2017 IEEE. In this paper, a wideband 2 × 2 multilayer substrate integrated waveguide (SIW)-based cavity-backed slot array is proposed. The array element is constructed by stacking five layers of SIW cavity-backed slots and has a wide impedance bandwidth from 18 to 30 GHz. Two different feed networks based on probe coupling and slot coupling are introduced to maintain the wideband characteristic of the proposed element when employed in an array. Two 2 × 2 arrays fed by the proposed feed networks are designed, fabricated, and tested. The measured results show that both the arrays employing probe coupling and slot coupling feed networks have a wide impedance bandwidth over 30%. Within the obtained operation bands, good radiation performance is achieved. Moreover, advantages and disadvantages of the proposed two feed networks are discussed.
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