Analysis of Finite Buffer in Two-Way Relay: A Queueing Theoretic Point of View

Publication Type:
Journal Article
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2018, 67 (4), pp. 3690 - 3694
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© 1967-2012 IEEE. The impact of a finite relay buffer on the throughput of two-way relay is analyzed from a new queueing theoretic point of view. Distinctively from recent Markov model based analyses, the proposed queueing theoretic analysis is able to infer closed-form asymptotic upper bounds for the throughput, shed valuable insights, and point out limitations in the recent analyses. Validated by simulations, our queueing theoretic analysis reveals that the throughput is increasingly insusceptible to the size of the relay buffer, as the buffer enlarges. Moreover, locking the relay in transmitting xored packets can hardly improve the throughput, especially under balanced channel conditions. This is due to the fact that the relay queues stabilize nonempty, and hence, xored packets are forwarded in most cases.
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