Exploiting detected visual objects for frame-level video filtering

Publication Type:
Journal Article
World Wide Web, 2018, 21 (5), pp. 1259 - 1284
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10.1007%2Fs11280-017-0505-6.pdfPublished Version2.7 MB
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© 2017, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC. Videos are generated at an unprecedented speed on the web. To improve the efficiency of access, developing new ways to filter the videos becomes a popular research topic. One on-going direction is using visual objects to perform frame-level video filtering. Under this direction, existing works create the unique object table and the occurrence table to maintain the connections between videos and objects. However, the creation process is not scalable and dynamic because it heavily depends on human labeling. To improve this, we propose to use detected visual objects to create these two tables for frame-level video filtering. Our study begins with investigating the existing object detection techniques. After that, we find object detection lacks the identification and connection abilities to accomplish the creation process alone. To supply these abilities, we further investigate three candidates, namely, recognizing-based, matching-based and tracking-based methods, to work with the object detection. Through analyzing the mechanism and evaluating the accuracy, we find that they are imperfect for identifying or connecting the visual objects. Accordingly, we propose a novel hybrid method that combines the matching-based and tracking-based methods to overcome the limitations. Our experiments show that the proposed method achieves higher accuracy and efficiency than the candidate methods. The subsequent analysis shows that the proposed method can efficiently support the frame-level video filtering using visual objects.
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