Feature Interaction Augmented Sparse Learning for Fast Kinect Motion Detection

Publication Type:
Journal Article
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2017, 26 (8), pp. 3911 - 3920
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© 2017 IEEE. The Kinect sensing devices have been widely used in current Human-Computer Interaction entertainment. A fundamental issue involved is to detect users' motions accurately and quickly. In this paper, we tackle it by proposing a linear algorithm, which is augmented by feature interaction. The linear property guarantees its speed whereas feature interaction captures the higher order effect from the data to enhance its accuracy. The Schatten-p norm is leveraged to integrate the main linear effect and the higher order nonlinear effect by mining the correlation between them. The resulted classification model is a desirable combination of speed and accuracy. We propose a novel solution to solve our objective function. Experiments are performed on three public Kinect-based entertainment data sets related to fitness and gaming. The results show that our method has its advantage for motion detection in a real-time Kinect entertaining environment.
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