Characteristics of particle-associated PAHs in a first flush of a highway runoff
- Publication Type:
- Journal Article
- Citation:
- Water Science and Technology, 2006, 53 (2), pp. 245 - 251
- Issue Date:
- 2006-04-03
Closed Access
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Runoff monitoring of six rainfall events was carried out in a highway, Winterthur, Switzerland focusing on first flush (runoff volume up to 2.88mm). Six runoff events were used to investigate the characteristics of particle-associated PAHs in first flush. The fine fraction (<45 μm) had a relatively higher contribution than the coarse fraction. A significant contribution of the coarse fraction was observed at some periods when the runoff flow rapidly increased. Fluctuation of PAH content during a runoff event was significant in the coarse fraction and, in contrast, the PAH content in the fine fraction was less fluctuating. The weighted average PAH content in each event ranged from 17 to 62 μg/g in total SS, from 23 to 54 μg/g in the fine fraction and from 16 to 84 μg/g in the coarse fraction. The loading of particle-associated PAHs from the first flush of highway runoff ranged from 0.06 to 0.22 g/ha in a total of 12 PAH species. © IWA Publishing 2006.
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