A Coarse-Fine Network for Keypoint Localization

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 2017, 2017-October pp. 3047 - 3056
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© 2017 IEEE. We propose a coarse-fine network (CFN) that exploits multi-level supervisions for keypoint localization. Recently, convolutional neural networks (CNNs)-based methods have achieved great success due to the powerful hierarchical features in CNNs. These methods typically use confidence maps generated from ground-truth keypoint locations as supervisory signals. However, while some keypoints can be easily located with high accuracy, many of them are hard to localize due to appearance ambiguity. Thus, using strict supervision often fails to detect keypoints that are difficult to locate accurately To target this problem, we develop a keypoint localization network composed of several coarse detector branches, each of which is built on top of a feature layer in a CNN, and a fine detector branch built on top of multiple feature layers. We supervise each branch by a specified label map to explicate a certain supervision strictness level. All the branches are unified principally to produce the final accurate keypoint locations. We demonstrate the efficacy, efficiency, and generality of our method on several benchmarks for multiple tasks including bird part localization and human body pose estimation. Especially, our method achieves 72.2% AP on the 2016 COCO Keypoints Challenge dataset, which is an 18% improvement over the winning entry.
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