Scalable Top-K structural diversity search

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
Proceedings - International Conference on Data Engineering, 2017, pp. 95 - 98
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© 2017 IEEE. This paper studies the problem of top-k structural diversity search, which is to compute k users with the highest structural diversities that is measured by the number of connected components in the neighborhood of a user. As the existing algorithms are not scalable for processing large graphs due to their limits, in this paper we propose a scalable algorithm Div-TriE to improve the efficiency. Div-TriE has two optimal features compared with the existing algorithms. Firstly, we show that as a key building block, we only need to enumerate each triangle at most once in Div-TriE, in contrast to the up-To three times in the existing techniques. Secondly, we develop efficient techniques so that the computation against each enumerated triangle is (amortized) constant, in contrast to the non-constant costs in the corresponding costs of the existing techniques. Extensive experimental results on real graphs show that Div-TriE outperforms the existing techniques by one order of magnitude.
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