Lightweight 3D cellular microstructures for architecture

International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures
Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
Proceedings of IASS Annual Symposia, IASS 2018 Boston Symposium: Structural innovation through interdisciplinary collaboration, 2018
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Paper 574 - Microstructures-IASS18_Submission.pdfAccepted Manuscript version2.07 MB
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Additive manufacturing technologies makes it possible to control the target deformability behavior of global geometry by varying the material deposition of microstructure. This offers new ways to fabricate cellular materials with differentiated material behaviors that go beyond mimicking the structure and mechanical properties of materials found in nature. However, material limitations and a lack of appropriate design tools and models have confined the usefulness of 3D printed cellular materials. This paper introduces and describes a novel design model that allows to analyze and exploit microstructures in the context of architecture. Specifically, this paper discusses the use of 3D cellular microstructures to fabricate flat deformable panels with predefined elastic behavior that can be used in architecture to approximate arbitrarily complex shapes. In the first part this paper will introduce and describe the design tool, which was developed by an interdisciplinary research team, comprising researchers from architecture, computer graphics and civil engineering. The model takes into account parameters affecting the structural response of 3D cellular microstructures, such as the volume fraction, orientation distribution, aspect ratio within each cell as well as the cell geometry and relative density are included in the model. To guide the design of cellular microstructures, we developed an integrated, parameterized, multi-scale model. Computational homogenization based on finite element is employed to obtain the elastic properties of the material at multiple scales. In the second part of this paper, we will discuss the findings of a case-study undertaken by the authors in which the previously described approach was employed and tested.
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