Social Aspects of Aboriginal Gardens in Penrith City

Dr Sumita Ghosh and Prof Richie Howitt
Publication Type:
2017, pp. 1 - 35 (35)
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Ghosh_ Howitt_Social Aspects of Aboriginal Gardens in Penrith_Final 2017.pdfPublished version1.45 MB
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Indigenous cultural identity is deeply linked to land and is often complexly intertwined with natural resource management, traditional food practices and social networks of exchange. This study draws on interviews with Aboriginal people in Penrith to better understand important issues linked to local production in Aboriginal gardens considering four key aspects: cultural identity; food security; health and community development. The research has brought together researchers from Macquarie University (MQ) and University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) with support from Penrith City Council and Deerubbin Local Aboriginal Land Council in Penrith City. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with Aboriginal participants to allow people to depict their thoughts, experiences, aspirations and expectations of Aboriginal gardens in Penrith City Council. The gardening experience for Aboriginal gardeners in Penrith is diverse. Adapting a food-oriented approach to participatory planning for local community and sharing knowledge within the Aboriginal community and with wider local populations could be a useful contribution to the creation of harmonious communities.
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