"Tell you vot, baby: ze band voss svingkink und groovink!" Horst Liepolt and the Australian jazz boom of the 1970s

Extempore Pty Ltd
Publication Type:
Journal Article
extempore, 2009, 2 pp. 110 - 119
Issue Date:
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I first heard ofHorst Liepolt when I read about him in the liner notes for Heading in theRightDirection, a compilation of 1970S' Australian soul, jazz and funk that was released in 1995.Horst, I read, had produced quite a few of the tunes on Heading in theRight Direction. I was taken by the music and it in turn, led me to other Australian jazz from the era of the LP-as were many 'dancefloor jazz' enthusiasts from around the world, who likewise set about trying to locate the original recordings. Although Heading in the RightDirection was compiled by two Australians-Melbourne's Johnny Topper and Takse-it was issued not only in Australia but also in the USA,and was very much the result of a more widespread renewed interest in soul jazz, particularly on the part ofyoung British and American DJs.
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