Acitation analysis of the SIGCSE 2007 proceedings

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
SIGCSE'08 - Proceedings of the 39th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2008, pp. 476 - 480
Issue Date:
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This paper identifies the most commonly cited conferences, journals and books among the 1398 citations made in the 122 publications of the SIGCSE 2007 proceedings. The SIGCSE 2007 authors cited a very large array of conferences, journals and books, but the majority are only cited within a single paper. There are only a very small set of journals and conferences cited frequently. Most books cited are concerned with technical information or are textbooks. Only 2% of books are concerned with computer science education and 23% with education in general. The picture that emerges from this citation analysis is that the SIGCSE community does not have a substantial core set of educational literature. Also, the epistemology of the SIGCSE community is primarily objectivist, with a focus on content, rather than a constructivist, student-centered focus on learning.
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