On gleaning knowledge from multiple domains for active learning

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
IJCAI International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2017, pp. 3013 - 3019
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How can a doctor diagnose new diseases with little historical knowledge, which are emerging over time? Active learning is a promising way to address the problem by querying the most informative samples. Since the diagnosed cases for new disease are very limited, gleaning knowledge from other domains (classical prescriptions) to prevent the bias of active leaning would be vital for accurate diagnosis. In this paper, a framework that attempts to glean knowledge from multiple domains for active learning by querying the most uncertain and representative samples from the target domain and calculating the important weights for re-weighting the source data in a single unified formulation is proposed. The weights are optimized by both a supervised classifier and distribution matching between the source domain and target domain with maximum mean discrepancy. Besides, a multiple domains active learning method is designed based on the proposed framework as an example. The proposed method is verified with newsgroups and handwritten digits data recognition tasks, where it outperforms the state-of-the-art methods.
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