Hysteresis band current controller based field-oriented control for an induction motor driven by a direct matrix converter

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
Proceedings IECON 2017 - 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2017, 2017-January pp. 4633 - 4638
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© 2017 IEEE. This paper presents work on the hysteresis band control for output current regulation in a direct matrix converter in order to drive an induction motor. The hysteresis band controller offers excellent dynamic performance. It has been extensively researched for the voltage source inverter and inverter based drive systems, but it has not been investigated within the context of a matrix converter or a matrix converter based motor drive. Firstly, this paper proposes a fixed-band hysteresis current controller for a matrix converter to track the prescribed current references, and then a sinusoidal-band hysteresis current controller is proposed. Both methods have fast dynamic performance and they inherently integrate the line modulation technique of the virtual rectifier stage into the overall modulation. The extra modulation stage is not required and the surge current is inherently prevented. The sinusoidal-band hysteresis controller demonstrates that it generates lower harmonic content at the expense of the higher average switching frequency. Following this, both methods are tested as a drive for an induction motor with field-oriented control. With the matrix-converter-based drive system, one significant benefit is that the braking chopper is removed due to the bidirectional feature. The methods are simple and have light computation burden. The obtained results demonstrate the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed scheme. The experimental work is being carried out to support the proposed scheme.
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