Place-based subnational development: Unpacking some of the key conceptual strands and normative dispositions

Publication Type:
Handbook of Research on Sub-National Governance and Development, 2016, pp. 34 - 53
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© 2017 by IGI Global. All rights reserved. This chapter offers a critical theoretically informed and policy-relevant exploration of some of the most prevalent conceptual strands informing place-based development scholarship, discourse, and practice. In doing so, it examines the emphasis on co-operation, open governance, and the assumption that all places have the potential to grow and prosper. Further, it analyzes normative dispositions - namely that place-based modes of subnational development could represent a viable and progressive approach which reconciles pervasive tensions between economic growth and spatial equity. In the process, the chapter identifies four key conceptual strands that characterize place-based development theory and practice.
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