Dynamic response of steel-timber composite (STC) beams

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
24th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, ICSV 2017, 2017
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Due to their recyclability and considerably lower embodied carbon, timber floors are advocated extensively as a more sustainable alternative to concrete slabs. Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) is an engineered wood product with low variability in mechanical properties and therefore of high reliability and quality, presenting a very attractive alternative to concrete slabs. Replacing the reinforced concrete slabs in conventional steel-concrete composite with an engineered timber product (such as CLT) leads to a significant reduction in the overall weight of the floors, and consequently the weight of supporting structural elements including columns and beams. The combination of light CLT panels and steel may allow an increase in the load-carrying span of the floor systems which is highly desirable from an architectural viewpoint. However, one major drawback negatively affecting the serviceability and thus widespread adoption of such systems in practice is the high susceptibility of undesirable vibration in steel-timber composite (STC) floors under service load conditions due to low mass and damping ratio of timber slabs. This paper presents the results of a series of experimental impact hammer tests conducted to investigate the vibrational characteristics of different STC beams. Three STC beams with different shear connector types are experimentally tested to extract their natural frequencies. Numerical models are generated and validated using the results of previously performed short-term failure tests. The validated numerical models are then used to extract the linear flexural stiffness of STC beams to determine the deflection of the beams under self-weight. The experimental results are compared against results from analytical models calculating the fundamental natural frequencies of the beams. Further, the obtained dynamic indices of STC beams are evaluated based on available standard regulations.
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