Chinese Scholars’ Participatory Action Research and China’s Transformation to Constitutional Democracy

Mirror Books
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Xueren ganzheng yu xianzheng zhuanxing [Academic Activism and China’s Transformation to Constitutional Democracy], 2017, pp. 25 - 51
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This article assesses the validity of the participatory action research adopted by Chinese liberal scholars. Based on an overview about the merits and limits of empiricism, logic empiricism, positivism, naturalism or hermeneutics as a methodology in producing knowledge in the areas of social sciences and humanities, the article argues that the participatory action research adopted by Chinese liberal scholars is a valid and effective approach in shedding new lights on the political reality in contemporary China and contributing to China’s transformation to constitutional democracy. It also compares the differences between the participatory action research adopted by Chinese liberal scholars and the methodology of “historical materialism” taken by the Chinese communist party-state.
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