Transmission Power Adjustment Scheme for Mobile Beacon-Assisted Sensor Localization

Publication Type:
Journal Article
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2019, 15 (5), pp. 2859 - 2869
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© 2005-2012 IEEE. Localization, as a crucial service for sensor networks, is an energy-demanding process for both indoor and outdoor scenarios. GPS-based localization schemes are infeasible in remote, indoor areas, and it is not a cost-effective solution for large-scale networks. Single mobile-beacon architecture is recently considered to localize sensor networks with the aim of removing numerous GPS-equipped nodes. The critical issue for the mobile beacon-Assisted localization is to preserve the consumed power to increase the lifetime. This paper presents a novel power control scheme, namely 'Z-power,' for mobile beacon traveling along a predefined path. The proposed scheme takes the advantage of deterministic path traveled by the single beacon to efficiently adjust the transmission power. Based on the extensive results, the proposed power control scheme could successfully improve the beacon and sensors energy consumption about 25.37% and 34.09%, respectively. A significant energy-Accuracy tradeoff was achieved using Z-power, which could successfully keep the same level of accuracy while providing lower energy consumption. Another group of results collected when obstacle-handling algorithm was applied at the presence of obstacles. In this scenario, Z-power improves energy consumption and localization accuracy with the same level of success.
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