Porn consumers as fans

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A Companion to Media Fandom and Fan Studies, 2018, pp. 509 - 520
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A_Companion_to_Media_Fandom_and_Fan_Studies_----_(Chapter_32_Porn_Consumers_as_Fans) pp648-663.pdfPublished version191.34 kB
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© 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Studying porn consumers as fans supports useful intellectual moves for arguments in both fan studies and porn studies. A problem for fan studies is that as its object of study has expanded to include a range of behaviors beyond the most obviously positive and productive the question has arisen “Who isn’t a fan?". A problem for studies of porn studies is that dominant academic approaches to studying pornography consumption have favored models of consumers as agentless, i.e., addicts or objects of media effects. Studying porn fans addresses both these problems by returning our attention to the agency of porn consumers. Fan studies is defined as the study of agentic cultural consumption, this is neither tautological nor unimportant, but continues to provide a robust and meaningful project for academic research. With this insight in place, this chapter considers some examples of porn fandom, including collecting practices, taxonomizing, evaluation practices, and community building.
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