Alpha(1)-Adrenergic Receptor Responses In Alpha(1AB)-AR Knockout Mouse Hearts Suggest The Presence Alpha(1D)-AR

Amer Physiological Soc
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Turnbull Lynne et al. 2003, 'Alpha(1)-Adrenergic Receptor Responses In Alpha(1AB)-AR Knockout Mouse Hearts Suggest The Presence Alpha(1D)-AR', Amer Physiological Soc, vol. 284, no. 4, pp. H1104-H1109.
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Two functional (xi-adrenergic receptor (AR) subtypes (alpha(1A) and alpha(1B)) have been identified in the mouse heart. However, it is unclear whether the third known subtype, alpha(1D)-AR, is also present. To investigate this, we determined whether ther
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