Using Women Entrepreneurship in Technology Ventures: Gendered Organization and Gendered Society Interactions

Edward Elgar
Publication Type:
Handbook of Research on Techno-Entrepreneurial Ecosystems, 2019, 3, pp. 92 - 123
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Women technology entrepreneurs are a neglected topic in entrepreneurship literature. Rather than following gender blind frameworks used for entrepreneurship, this study proposes to use a feminist approach. Literature is overcrowded with analyses of individual level factors while ignoring the role of macro factors in shaping entrepreneurship. Thus, this study develops a total of nine propositions around two key macro factors: organizational factors (such as the hierarchical structure of scientific workplaces) and societal factors (such as stereotypes). The paper presents a case analysis using the propositions developed on an exemplar country chosen for the study: Turkey. Our overview of Turkey confirms the propositions developed in this paper. The paper ends with implications of the study and suggestions for future studies.
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