Pattern reconfigurable, vertically polarized, low-profile, compact, near-field resonant parasitic antenna

Publication Type:
Journal Article
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2019, 67 (3), pp. 1467 - 1475
Issue Date:
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© 1963-2012 IEEE. A vertically polarized, low-profile, compact, near-field resonant parasitic antenna with pattern reconfigurability is demonstrated. The antenna has three dynamic end-fire states facilitated with only three p-i-n diodes. The radiation pattern in each state covers more than 120° in its azimuth plane and, hence, it achieves beam scanning that covers the entire azimuth plane. The antenna height and transverse size are, respectively, only 0.048λ 0 and 0.1λ 02 . Measured results, in good agreement with their simulated values, demonstrate that the antenna exhibits a 11% fractional impedance bandwidth, and a 6.6 dBi peak realized gain in all three of its pattern-reconfigurable states. Stable and high peak realized gain values are realized over its entire operational band surrounding 2.22 GHz.
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