Tanka Transitions: Shrimp Paste, Dolphins and the Aquapelagic Assemblage of Tai O

Regional Food Research Network Australasia
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Locale : the Australian-Pacific Journal of Regional Food Studies, 2016, n6 (-), pp. 1 - 10
Issue Date:
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Tai O, located off the northwest coast of Hong Kong’s Lantau Island, has a distinct socio-economic and cultural character premised on its position at the centre of an aquapelagic assemblage within the broader Pearl River Delta area. The area is well known as a centre for cultural heritage tourism within which culinary heritage, and particularly shrimp paste production, is a key element. Recent developments in Hong Kong fisheries policy have curtailed shrimp fishing around the island and required its shrimp paste operation to realign its production and manufacturing operations. In tandem with these changes, the island has recently developed as a centre for dolphin-watching tourism. The article examines the nature of Tai O’s contemporary use of marine resources, the nature of community adjustments to external circumstances and the likely longevity of its livelihood activities and distinct culinary products.
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