Concurrent voice-based multiple information communication: A study report of profile-based users' interaction

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
145th Audio Engineering Society International Convention, AES 2018, 2018
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© 2018 KASHYAP. This paper reports a study conducted with 10 blind and 8 sighted participants using a prototype system for communicating multiple information streams concurrently, using two methods of presentation. The prototype system in method one played two continuous voice-based articles diotically, differing by voice gender and content. In the second method, prototype communicated one continuous article in the female voice and three headlines as interval-based short interruptions in a male voice dichotically. In this investigation the continuous method remained more effective in communicating multiple information compared to the interval-based interruption method, and also the users who possessed at least tertiary qualification performed better in comprehending the multiple concurrent information than the non-tertiary qualified users.
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