Weighted-selective aggregated majority-OWA operator and its application in linguistic group decision making

Publication Type:
Journal Article
International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 2018, 33 (9), pp. 1929 - 1948
Issue Date:
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© 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. This paper focuses on the aggregation operations in the group decision-making model based on the concept of majority opinion. The weighted-selective aggregated majority-OWA (WSAM-OWA) operator is proposed as an extension of the SAM-OWA operator, where the reliability of information sources is considered in the formulation. The WSAM-OWA operator is generalized to the quantified WSAM-OWA operator by including the concept of linguistic quantifier, mainly for the group fusion strategy. The QWSAM-IOWA operator, with an ordering step, is introduced to the individual fusion strategy. The proposed aggregation operators are then implemented for the case of alternative scheme of heterogeneous group decision analysis. The heterogeneous group includes the consensus of experts with respect to each specific criterion. The exhaustive multicriteria group decision-making model under the linguistic domain, which consists of two-stage aggregation processes, is developed in order to fuse the experts’ judgments and to aggregate the criteria. The model provides greater flexibility when analyzing the decision alternatives with a tolerance that considers the majority of experts and the attitudinal character of experts. A selection of investment problem is given to demonstrate the applicability of the developed model.
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