Cost Efficiency Optimization of 5G Wireless Backhaul Networks

Publication Type:
Journal Article
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2019, 18 (12), pp. 2796 - 2810
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© 2002-2012 IEEE. The wireless backhaul network provides an attractive solution for the urban deployment of fifth generation (5G) wireless networks that enables future ultra dense small cell networks to meet the ever-increasing user demands. Optimal deployment and management of 5G wireless backhaul networks is an interesting and challenging issue. In this paper, we propose the optimal gateways deployment and wireless backhaul route schemes to maximize the cost efficiency of 5G wireless backhaul networks. In generally, the changes of gateways deployment and wireless backhaul route are presented in different time scales. Specifically, the number and locations of gateways are optimized in the long time scale of 5G wireless backhaul networks. The wireless backhaul routings are optimized in the short time scale of 5G wireless backhaul networks considering the time-variant over wireless channels. Numerical results show the gateways and wireless backhaul route optimization significantly increases the cost efficiency of 5G wireless backhaul networks. Moreover, the cost efficiency of proposed optimization algorithm is better than that of conventional and most widely used shortest path (SP) and Bellman-Ford (BF) algorithms in 5G wireless backhaul networks.
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