Two-envelope system for consultant selection using Weighted Sum Model

Publication Type:
Journal Article
International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE), 2018, 7 (4), pp. 121 - 125
Issue Date:
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© 2018 Authors. Consultant Selection is one of a classical problem in Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM). Most of the literature in Operation Research only concentrates on model building rather than developing an inclusive analytic tool that extends to a Decision Support System (DSS). In this paper, we deploy a case study approach to understand the user requirement for DSS development. We observe the process of consultant selection and the decision making at one of the technical department which involve in the infrastructure project in Malaysia. A two-envelope system and a simple Weighted Sum Model are currently in use. We demonstrate the abstraction and application based on two case projects. Sensitivity analysis is also performed and the result shows that the decision changed if it is solely based on fees or with minimal quality criteria. Finally, we gather the findings from the organizational flows, user modelling and decision making process in order to benchmark with our future works. This will helps us to better understand and develop an improved decision support model or tools for consultant selection problem.
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