Design Thinking: Project Portfolio Management and Simulation – A Creative Mix for Research

Springer Verlag
Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
ISAGA 2017: Simulation Gaming. Applications for Sustainable Cities and Smart Infrastructures (LNCS), 2018, 10825 pp. 3 - 14
Issue Date:
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This paper takes de Bono’s explanation of ‘design thinking’ as the starting point for a report on a doctoral research project that began with a conventional ‘why?’ question, and then, instead of looking for an ‘explanation’, chose to look forward in time to establish an understanding of ‘how to’ think differently about a recurring problem. The catalyst for this work was observation of otherwise competent managers making desperately wrong decisions when good decision making was crucial to their company’s future. The initial choice to ‘look forward’ when designing the research strategy was made well before there was a clear understanding of what was being observed. Given that trajectory, this paper explores the process by which a simulation was created and then used in conjunction with a comparatively new approach to data collection (Explanation looks backwards and design looks forward [1].).
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